Kolon TissueGene, Inc.

Developing Novel Advanced Cell Therapies for Orthopedic Diseases and Other Unmet Medical Needs

At Kolon TissueGene, we’re dedicated to improving the well-being and quality of life of patients worldwide.

Our Mission

Our Mission

At Kolon TissueGene, our mission is to provide safe and effective therapies to patients by reducing pain and improving function associated with various orthopedic diseases and degenerative disorders.

Advanced Cell Therapies Company Dedicated to Improving Quality of Life

Accumulated Valuable Clinical Trial Practices & Data
Unrivaled R&D Experience in Cell & Gene Therapy
Global Manufacturing & Marketing Network

Kolon TissueGene exemplifies the value of the Kolon Group's vision of 'Lifestyle Innovator' through its development of innovative biopharmaceuticals.

Kolon TissueGene has developed its unique technology platform in cell and gene therapy over the past 20 years through the development of TG-C. After many years, when cell and gene therapy was looked at questionably or even skeptically by the market at large, Kolon TissueGene and other companies - including large pharma - are now successfully utilizing this technology to develop drugs, and even gain market approval. As time goes on, we expect more and more companies will rapidly move into this innovative and promising space within drug development.

Our extensive experience and knowledge in cell and gene therapy will be the basis for expanding Kolon TissueGene's pipeline into other indications while securing our position as a leader in advanced cell therapies.

Moon Jong Noh
President & Chief Executive Officer